Music Genres explained, learn about types and styles - Music CD

    Music Genres

    There are many types and styles of music, artists and groups change their genre and style as they progress or age, and some artists just love playing all genres so they release albums that can cross many borders.

    If you enjoy listening to music, it can be easy to think you only like a certain type, this is normally due to at some point you have heard a song that you did not like, and associate it to something or sometime that was not good for you, or was told it is a certain genre.

    Be brave and listen to as many music types and styles that you can, you will be pleasantly surprised at how wide a range of music that you do actually really like, enjoying varied styles also allows you to get the benefit from music whatever your mood is.

    Listed below are a number of genres or styles / types of music, we will be putting a link to a you tube track of that music style so that you can have a quick listen to a song of that genre.

    The links on the names will take you to genre of music we have for sale on CD.